Waste Reduction & Recycling tips for Manufacturing Industry

Nowadays, everyone is concerned about the environment. Recycling programs have grown in popularity across the country. Manufacturing plants frequently have the most recycling opportunities. Statistics show that the larger the facility, the greater the payback. Indeed, the majority of waste generated and discarded during the manufacturing process can be recycled and reused. Manufacturing waste is…

Construction Waste Management – an overview

Construction is a thriving industry that shows no signs of slowing down. As the demand for construction grows, so does the volume of waste and debris. The construction industry generates a large amount of waste, which must be managed and disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. Any waste generated as a result of construction…

What Scrap Metals Are Inside Computers?

Circuit boards in most computers and electronic devices will contain a variety of precious metals. There is a lot of precious metal in Printed Circuit Boards, Connectors, and Components. Printed circuit boards, computer chips (CPU), and connections / fingers are all made of gold.  Printed circuit boards, computer chips, keyboard membranes, and some capacitors are…

Ultimate guide to sorting your scrap metal for recycling

Most of us have heard of recycling and reusing paper, plastic bottles, food waste, and other materials. However, there is another industry that isn’t as well-known: scrap metal. Steel, copper, brass, and iron are among the materials used. These metals are present in your daily surroundings, and yet we discard them as waste. Do you…

Proper E-waste Disposal: Why is it so important?

E-waste, or electronic waste, are electronic products or products containing components that have neared the end of their shelf life. These devices contain toxic substances and must thus be handled when care is no longer required. If the product is not required, or is outdated, it can be donated to someone who needs it. If…

How technology help recycling in Dubai?

With the rising population across the globe, and in Dubai, the amount of waste is also increasing. This creates a challenge in rubbish collection and disposal. Fortunately, technological advancements assist greatly in the matter. Effectiveness is key as far as recycling is concerned. Landfills are not practical or simple since it has very strong environmental…

E waste is taking over the world: What Can We Do to minimize it?

Technology has advanced so rapidly in the last few decades that it’s difficult to imagine life without smartphones, GPS maps, laptop computers, electronic devices and many more. Discarded electrical or electronic devices are referred to as electronic waste (also known as e-waste). Improper disposal and processing of this waste can result in negative human and…

Copper is the king of scrap metal, here is why

Copper is one of the most sought-after metals in the scrap yard. It is a non-ferrous metal that is the best electrical conductor – excluding precious metals, of course. Even though copper is a fairly common metal, it is still in high demand for recycling. Due to its weight as a recyclable metal, sellers tend…

Is it really worth recycling aluminum cans?

Aluminum cans recycle at a higher rate and contain more recycled material than competing package types. Because they are lightweight, stackable, and strong, brands can package and transport more beverages with less material. And, because aluminum cans are far more valuable than glass or plastic, they contribute to the financial viability. Aluminum can be found…

Signs that your car is ready for recycling

End-of-life vehicles (ELVs) must be properly disposed of, especially for the sake of the environment. Knowing that ELVs are recycled is one thing; knowing whether your vehicle is ready to be recycled is another. Even if you take excellent care of your vehicle, chances are it will need to be scrapped sooner or later, especially…